• My pump.io stream

    I started my pump.io stream. pump.io is one of the free software social networking alternatives, somewhat similar to Twitter. BTW, pump.io FAQ may help a little when you start using pump.io.

  • EFF supporter

    The Electronic Frontier Foundation does a lot of good for online and software freedom so I decided to donate to it. If you care about software freedom (and you should care about it today if you care about freedom generally), please consider contributing to organizations which defend it. One of the most important ones besides […]

  • CyanogenMod removed from Google Play Store

    CyanogenMod installer application was removed from Google Play Store on Google’s request. Not much issue itself as it can be installed from elsewhere and without using the proprietary Play Store application. The more interesting part is the reasoning about the issue. According to Google the installer encourages users to void their warranty and thus is […]

  • Smartphone user

    I can no longer ignore smartphones, for various reasons. So I bought one, an Android based Samsung phone. One of the reasons I’ve avoided smartphones so far is they run on non-free software. While the underlying operating system is mostly free, phone vendors are active in putting special restrictions on it. Samsung installs its own […]

  • 30 years of GNU

    There is double celebration here today: the feast day of Saint Wenceslas, the most famous Czech saint and martyr, and GNU 30th anniversary.

  • GNU 30th anniversary in Czech Republic?

    Does anybody know about any activities in Czech Republic related to GNU 30th anniversary? If there is anything planned, please let me know.

  • 20 years of Debian

    Debian has celebrated its 20th anniversary last week. IIRC, I’ve installed Debian in 1995 for the first time, version 0.93R5. My very first GNU/Linux distribution was SLS (who knows today what it was?). I switched to Slackware soon and after some time I decided it might be a good idea to try something else once […]

  • Freedom on Android devices

    If you care about freedom and you use Android based devices, please consider donating to FSF’s fundraising program for Replicant. Replicant is free (“free” as in “freedom”) replacement for Android; software freedom is very important on mobile devices. See the fundraising announcement for more information.

  • Using Firefox

    I’ve been using Uzbl Web browser for a couple of years. But I’ve recently switched to Firefox. Why? I was using various Gecko based Web browsers before switching to Uzbl, most notably Conkeror. Being annoyed by Gecko problems, switching to a flexible WebKit-based Web browser was a big relief. But things have changed through the […]

  • Buggy bug handling

    I’ve experienced an especially nasty MythTV bug. It took me significant effort to diagnose the problem and to find the corresponding place in the source code. I decided to report the bug. Looking at the MythTV BTS I’ve found the bug has already been reported but without further explanation and without any attention from the […]