I’ve been recently present in company of my colleagues for a week. My colleagues are all equipped with smartphones. Whenever and wherever we were doing something, it always ended up by half the people staring into their phones. Typically playing with them in some way as children like to do. Well, we’re an IT company […]
I wanted to order something from a major Czech computer e-shop. When making the order I chose online payment as the payment method, was redirected to my bank, paid the order and then … nothing. My money was transferred and no order got created. I was without my money and without any order! I guess […]
I’ve been using Uzbl Web browser for a couple of years. But I’ve recently switched to Firefox. Why? I was using various Gecko based Web browsers before switching to Uzbl, most notably Conkeror. Being annoyed by Gecko problems, switching to a flexible WebKit-based Web browser was a big relief. But things have changed through the […]
I’ve experienced an especially nasty MythTV bug. It took me significant effort to diagnose the problem and to find the corresponding place in the source code. I decided to report the bug. Looking at the MythTV BTS I’ve found the bug has already been reported but without further explanation and without any attention from the […]
I’ve bought ColorHug to make color profiles for my monitors. ColorHug is a great device for the price and it works without problems on GNU/Linux. Using it together with dispcalGUI I could easily create the color profiles. Making a color profile is one thing while applying it is another problem. My experience with color management […]
I upgraded my LTSP installation and it stopped working again. After fixing some problems I got stuck with another one. Googling didn’t help and LTSP documentation seems to be reducing rather than expanding through the time. I’m no longer going to waste my time to get running underdocumented software with tricky dependencies so I’ve abandoned […]
Yes, DRM technologies are defective by design. They make problems to legal customers, preventing them to use the content they paid for in normal ways like viewing or playing it on any device they own or using their favorite and trusted software. They are also exposed to privacy issues. On the other hand those who […]
Please consider signing the petition to stop DRM in HTML5. EFF provides information about the problems of the proposed W3C standard. The petition should be signed before May 3rd.
I’ve read a newspaper article about closed accounts on Facebook. They wrote about incidents such as blocking an account of an activist due to complaints deliberately submitted by his political opponents, or permanent closing of an account based on Facebook detection of posting copyrighted images despite the images were actually copyrighted by the account owner […]
I use a proprietary operating system even on a desktop computer now. I’m forced to use Mac OS X at my job. Apple says OS X Mountain Lion is an easy to use and incredibly powerful system with features I’ll love. In my user’s experience the system is primitive, inflexible and chaotic. It’s very hard to find […]