This year’s Lent starts. We may approach it as a period of inconvenient restriction or as a good chance to gain something. I’ve been thinking about absurdities of our society. We kill innocent and defenseless people. This has always happened but what I am additionally worried about is that we seriously talk about the “right” […]
There is an interesting article The Tangled Web We Have Woven by Eben Moglen in the current issue of Communications of the ACM. Eben Moglen makes some good and serious points about our privacy and about future of democracy in the era of internet services. I also suggest watching the talk of Eben Moglen and […]
I decided that it is a good idea to replace my complicated hard drive setup utilizing parted + mdadm + vg* + lv* + mkfs + fsck + fstab + whatever else with just zpool + zfs. Let’s run zpool once and then create and manage file systems without artificial constraints, without unnecessary administration overhead […]
Linux Containers became unable to start after host system boot on one of my machines. They started fine on boot but any later attempts to start any of them failed with a weird message Invalid argument – pivot_root syscall failed. I couldn’t get help on that and obvious actions like trying to stop some daemons […]
If you care about free software, please consider making a donation to the Free Software Foundation. Current FSF’s fundraising campaign runs till January 31st. You probably know why it is important to support free software and what is the role of the Free Software Foundation, so please don’t be inactive.
So we have the opportunity to elect our president ourselves for the first time. Let’s not waste it. We shouldn’t get discouraged by the fact that some of the most popular candidates have done a lot of bad things in the past while other ones are so popular just for the fact they have done […]
I got an opportunity to see two Brno rock legends Iva Bittová and Vladimír Václavek live in duo. It was a fantastic experience. Highly recommended. Střelické strunobraní festival celebrated its 10th anniversary. Many excellent musicians performed there and it was a great experience again. To pick just one of the many great appearances there: It’s […]
IIRC, it was about 20 years ago when I ran Emacs for the first time. I originally used it on a System V system as a civilized alternative to vi editor. But during the time I became an Emacs power user, learned Elisp and started to use Emacs as my primary working environment. Emacs, as […]
My country, Czech Republic, has again expressed strong objections against future changes of the European Union. This is for the second time, after our president refused to sign the Treaty of Lisbon. I’m not going to analyze the reasons and legitimacy of those actions. (By the way, it’s necessary to remark that there is no […]
I’ve been a free software advocate for nearly two decades. Supporting and promoting free software hasn’t been easy. Some effort and actions were more successful, some less. But we’ve achieved a lot during the time and we might get satisfied with the results. But after continual raise and success of free software in the last […]