I bought a new input device, Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch tablet. I was careful enough to buy an older model and to check the device is supported on Linux. Based on my previous experiences I also tested the tablet on a Windows computer to be sure it actually works and I can handle it, […]
In spite my recent rant about such devices I decided to buy an e-ink reader. The primary reason was that it’s uncomfortable for me to read long texts on a monitor. My requirements were: Large screen, stylus and a usable SDK. Considering the requirements there was only one acceptable e-ink reader I could find on […]
People don’t like paying for music and they don’t like paying for software. It is not easy nor common for an individual or a small project to gather any significant money for free software development, i.e. to get real compensation for some work and to make living of it. But fundraising for this SBCL work […]
Updates on my driver info pages: Updated information about Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Desktop 7000 keyboard, especially a link to a guideline how to make the zoom key working was added. Added information about Genius G-Pen F610 tablet.
A famous businessman has died some time ago and the whole world has praised him as a hero who changed the computing. Well, there were some more realistic views (e.g. rms), but those exceptions were hardly noticeable. We like celebrities and we prefer listening to heroic myths rather than to unpleasant truths about less or […]
My digital camera sensor got dirty enough and it was no longer possible to clean it just by softly blowing air to it. So I looked for a more powerful cleaning solution. After some searching I decided to try Pentax Image Sensor Cleaning Set O-ICK1. It looked simple and didn’t require any liquids. Does it […]
Until recently I was a relatively satisfied Linux VServer user. But when I upgraded to Debian 6 about half a year ago, OpenAFS aklog stopped to work inside the guests. There were always problems with running OpenAFS clients inside VServer guests but this time I couldn’t find any workaround. I had to solve the problem and […]
Na dohled od našeho domu se každý rok v červnu koná hudební festival Střelické strunobraní, ale ještě nikdy se mi nepodařilo na něj dojít. Když to dobře dopadne, tak letos by se to konečně podařit mohlo. Nechcete se někdo taky přijet podívat?
I bought a few new hard drives recently. Before installing them into the computer I decided to test them a bit (good idea!). I noticed that one of the drives was packed in a non-sealed wrapping and its manufacture date was last July. I looked at its S.M.A.R.T. information and it reported 4390 hours on […]
I’ve never been successful in keeping really useful and up-to-date diaries and todo lists. Well, one can think: “If it’s really important I won’t forget about it and the other things don’t matter much.” But if nothing else then family life can cause semi-chaos making really difficult to get anything done. Nevertheless an important change […]