When looking for something on the web, I’ve met the following thought: I’ve never in my years as a Catholic Christian heard a sermon on the Tenth Commandment. We can’t possibly preach on “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods” because Western society is based on that. It’s called capitalism. Mass advertising tells us we […]
So this site runs on Portable AllegroServe now. The main problem with AllegroServe was it couldn’t run CGI scripts on SBCL, but I succeeded in porting the corresponding code. It’s not ready for submitting a patch, but if you’re interested in it, tell me. I’ve chosen Portable AllegroServe because it’s highly and easily configurable and […]
<p>Come, Lord Jesus …</p>
It’s amazing how difficult it is to find a good web server other than Apache. I tried to find any web server which is regularly maintained, provides basic functionality (serving static pages, CGI scripts with arguments in the form of path, providing index files and virtual servers), actually works, is sufficiently documented, performs reasonable logging […]
The local entertainment industry organizations (e.g. OSA) already put quite a lot taxes on us here in Czech Republic: They charge me for hardware I use for storing my own works and for making backup copies of damaged music CDs which I’ve already paid them for. They charge me for media I use for storing […]
A few days ago I dreamed about flying a space ship. Now I’ve found it’s actually possible thanks to the Vega Strike game. Although Vega Strike doesn’t run on my computer very well and I don’t have time to actually play it, it’s nice to see another high quality Free Software project.