Price cheating

I’ve been already annoyed enough by computer web shops that present their prices without VAT and one has to click more to find out the real price. Now, when recycling fee was introduced several months ago, some of the shops present prices in an even more confusing way. Recently I was going to buy a UPS. I found a good offer on CYBEX and as I’ve already ordered some things from them previously I started to order the UPS device. Suddenly, the final price has increased by more than 100 Kč! The recycling fee was presented only before making the final confirmation of the order! Of course I cancelled the order and I won’t buy anything from those cheaters anymore.

So beware. I recommend buying at shops where final prices are presented clearly. My personal local favorite is ALFA COMPUTER, they have good prices, working web shop, the presented prices are final, including both VAT and the recycling fee, and I’ve got good experience with their salesmen (just don’t expect them to give you advice on whether something works on Linux).






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